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What is the 2020 Census?


Once a decade, America comes together to count every resident in the United States. The decennial census was first taken in 1790, as mandated by the constitution. It counts our population and households, providing the basis for distributing more than $675 billion in federal funds annually, and for reapportioning congressional seats and redistricting. The 2020 census count in Sacramento County will impact housing, education, transportation, employment, health care and public policy for the next ten years.

When will the 2020 Census take place?


The first mailings for the 2020 Census will go out mid-March 2020. By the first week of April 2020, most households should receive a letter or a postcard about how to complete the questionnaire online or by phone. There are three ways to fill it out: 

  1. Online: Households can fill out the questions via the internet.

  2. By U.S. Mail: Households will also be able to request a printed questionnaire be mailed to them.

  3. Person to Person: Phone calls or in-person visits by census workers to homes that have not  filled out the census will begin in May 2020.

US Census concludes in September 2020. All times are approximate. 

What questions will be on the 2020 census?

The 2020 Census is simple and will collect basic information about each household as well as the people living in that household. The questions on the 2020 census are:

  • The number of people living or staying in a home on April 1, 2020.

  • Whether the home is owned with or without a mortgage, rented or occupied without rent.

  • A phone number for each person in the home.

  • The name, sex, age, date of birth and race of each person in the home.

  • Whether each person is Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin.

  • The relationship of each person to a central person in the home. 


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